How to Install Vortex Steam Flow Meters!

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A few weeks back  Glen Coblentz, Vice President of North American sales, spent three days in New York City. Unfortunately, he was not able to enjoy the sites of NYC. Instead, he was working 45-feet underground in 120 F degree heat in New York City's steam tunnels.  For over five hours, Glen worked with Sierra Representative, North East Technical, commissioning 25 InnovaMass vortex steam meters. Here are some hands-on tips for steam installation straight from Glen. Top 3 Tips for Successful Steam Flow Installations: #1. Plan the installation and conduct a good pre-installation walk down. You need to make sure there is ample room above and on the side of Sierra's insertion mass vortex model 241 for a good installation. You can never plan too much. #2. Determine the pipe size before the installation. This is the goal in a perfect world, but in reality many times the customer doesn't know the actual pipe size. They simply take an average. At one point, the customer thought the pipe size was 12 inches, but it was actually 14 inches. Use your math skills for circumference converted to internal diameter. #3. Drink plenty of water and cool down every hour. The heat that you have to deal with during installation is sometimes up to 124F. It saps your concentration and makes you dizzy. This mental state is not good in terms of proper installation depth and safety. Glen drank up to 20 bottles of water and still wasn't hydrated! Check-out some great images of the installation on Glen's Twitter feed. What are your tips for successful steam flow installations?