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Simple Ways You Can Be More Energy Efficient

Jan 24, 2016
Energy Efficiency

Start saving money today by doing your part to conserve resources.

It’s the little things that matter when it comes to energy efficiency. Turning off a light or switching off a fan may not seem like much, but over the course of a year, the energy savings can be substantial.

In an effort to remind our employees of the part they can play in saving our resources, we developed an Energy Efficiency Guide to serve as a daily checklist for them. Inspired by the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Program, the guide serves as a reminder of the simple things we can all do to impact our environment.

As flow energy process empowerment experts, Sierra is committed to energy efficiency by creating quality, innovative energy solutions for the world. We create flow products that provide our customers with the tools necessary to increase their energy efficiency. By being energy efficient ourselves, we allow you to achieve more quality flow, with savings to boot. The result is an improved bottom line using fewer resources, which is better for the world as a whole.

The checklist includes things we often forget, such as turning off desk lamps, making sure hand tools are turned off and using a power strip to make turning the power off even easier.  For example, just turning off the lights when you leave a room (with 10 ceiling lights) can save $25.80 per month! Every little bit helps.

We’re happy to share our guide with you so you can start making these easy changes to impact not only your bottom line, and be more energy conscious in the process. Our actions really do matter. With the flick of the off switch, you can really make a positive impact on our world. View the Sierra Energy Efficiency Guide and start doing your part to conserve resources.

Have any energy saving tips? Have you seen the savings add up yet, both for your pocketbook and for the planet?  Let us know in the comments below.

Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
Written By:
Maryadine Washington, Mar-Com Manager
Sierra Instruments

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