Wireless Flow Metering: More Than Just No Wires

- Since the Remote Console is a wireless device on the network, it does not need to be a desk-locked machine! Imagine the Remote Console being an iPad or Android device…imagine walking around your factory floor and as you walk around, you can detect, interact and manage meters real-time (remote observation and interaction)
- Since the meters are on a [wireless] network, and communications problems are detected by the meters, they can “re-adjust” their network “wiring” to fix or go around the problem; known as Mesh Networking, or simply in lay terms, Self-Healing Networks.
- If all the meters can “talk” to each other, they can make “judgments” on what is happening in their pipe. For example, imagine a pipe with 3 meters connected along the pipes length. With this setup, all the meters should state the same information (remember they are on the same pipe); but what happens if the middle meter starts showing different information?
- It could be an issue with the pipe, leak?
- It could be an issue with the meter, faulty etc.
- It could be a misconfiguration with a meter in question